Once you are Plain Hunting successfully, you will want to move on to something more challenging. Your instructor may suggest that Grandsire would be a good first method to learn. The plain course of Grandsire is very short, so there are fewer pieces of work to learn than there are in Plain Bob or Stedman. When you add Bobs and Singles it becomes quite interesting, and some people say that the music of Grandsire is their favourite. We hope that some of the articles below will help you on your way. We will be adding more all the time, perhaps you have one that you could contribute? Anyway, keep coming back and re-reading, and each time a bit more information will fall into place until Grandsire becomes second nature.
- Grandsire Doubles (Fortran Friends)
- Grandsire Doubles by John Heaton
- Ring Grandsire by the Treble
- Grandsire Plain Course
- Grandsire with Calls
- The Grandsire Pig
- Grandsire Triples (Fortran Friends)
- Grandsire Triples by John Heaton
- Grandsire Major