Conducting Quiz

by John Heaton

Here are some questions for you to think about whilst you are not ringing or standing behind. Answer a, b or c for the following questions. The answers can be found below.

1. A bob or single is always called:
a) one blow
b) two blows
c) three blows before it takes effect.

2. In most methods (except Grandsire), the first row that is different as a result of a bob or single is:
a) the row before the treble leads.
b) the row when the treble leads at handstroke.
c) the row when the treble leads at backstroke.

3. In a plain method, the bob is called:
a) when the treble is in third's place (handstroke).
b) when the treble is in second's place (backstroke).
c) when the treble is leading (handstroke).

4. The bob is called:
a) just as the bell in first place starts to pull.
b) just as the conductor starts to pull.
c) just as the tenor ringer starts to pull.

Write down the new coursing order resulting from each call in the questions below:-
5. The coursing order is 5324 and a bob is called at Wrong (ringing six bells).
6. The coursing order is 5432 and a single Before is called (ringing six bells).
7. The coursing order is 2453 and the 6th makes a bob (ringing six bells).
8. The coursing order is 4235 and the 6th runs out at a bob (ringing six bells).
9. The coursing order is 5243 and there is a bob Wrong followed by a bob Before (ringing six bells).
10. The coursing order is 5324 and three bobs at Home are called (ringing six bells).
11. The coursing order is 53246 and a bob is called at Home (ringing eight bells, tenors together).
12. The coursing order is 32465 and a single is called at Wrong (ringing eight bells, tenors together).
13. The coursing order is 65324 and a single is called at Middle (ringing eight bells, tenors together).
14. The coursing order is 52436 and a bob is called Before (ringing eight bells, tenors together).
15. The coursing order is 52436. You are ringing the 6th and you make a bob (ringing eight bells).
16. The coursing order is 2345. You are ringing the 3rd and you run out at a bob (ringing six bells).
17. The coursing order is 65432. You are ringing the 5th in major, and a bob is called as you dodge 5-6 up.
18. The coursing order is 2543. You are ringing the 3rd and you run in at two successive bobs (ringing six bells,).
And finally, some miscellaneous questions:-
19. The coursing order (ringing minor) is 5324. The 6th is dodging 5-6 down. What is the 5th doing?
20. The coursing order (ringing minor) is 5324. The 6th is dodging 3-4 down. What is the 5th doing?
21. During a plain course of Plain Bob Minor, the 6th is dodging 5-6 up. What is the 5th doing?
22. During a plain course of Cambridge Surprise Minor, the 6th is making seconds. What is the 5th doing?
23. You are ringing Plain Bob Major and the coursing order is 64325. You are ringing the 4th and nobody arrives to turn you from the lead. What should you say?
24. You are ringing Cambridge Surprise Major and the coursing order is 32564. You are ringing the 5th and are dodging 3-4 down at the lead end. Who is dodging with you?
25. The coursing order (ringing minor) is 4532. A Wrong is called. Who makes the bob?
26. The coursing order (ringing minor) is 2453. The 6th makes a bob. Who runs out?
27. The coursing order (ringing minor) is 3542. The 4th runs in at a bob. What is the calling position of this bob?
28. You are calling minor from the 4th. The coursing order is 3254. What dodge do you do at a Wrong?
29. The coursing order (ringing major) is 23456. What is the calling position of a bob when the 6th dodges 5-6 down?
30. The coursing order (ringing major) is 56423. The 6th is making a bob. What is the 7th doing?



1. A bob or single is always called:

b) two blows

before it takes effect.
2. In most methods (except Grandsire), the first row that is different as a result of a bob or single is:

c) the row when the treble leads at backstroke.

3. In a plain method, the bob is called:

b) when the treble is in second's place (backstroke).

4. The bob is called:
a) just as the bell in first place starts to pull.

Write down the new coursing order resulting from each call in the questions below:-
5. The coursing order is 5324 and a bob is called at Wrong (ringing six bells).
6. The coursing order is 5432 and a single Before is called (ringing six bells).
7. The coursing order is 2453 and the 6th makes a bob (ringing six bells).
8. The coursing order is 4235 and the 6th runs out at a bob (ringing six bells).
9. The coursing order is 5243 and there is a bob Wrong followed by a bob Before (ringing six bells).
10. The coursing order is 5324 and three bobs at Home are called (ringing six bells).
11. The coursing order is 53246 and a bob is called at Home (ringing eight bells, tenors together).
12. The coursing order is 32465 and a single is called at Wrong (ringing eight bells, tenors together).
13. The coursing order is 65324 and a single is called at Middle (ringing eight bells, tenors together).
14. The coursing order is 52436 and a bob is called Before (ringing eight bells, tenors together).
15. The coursing order is 52436. You are ringing the 6th and you make a bob (ringing eight bells).
16. The coursing order is 2345. You are ringing the 3rd and you run out at a bob (ringing six bells).
17. The coursing order is 65432. You are ringing the 5th in major, and a bob is called as you dodge 5-6 up.
18. The coursing order is 2543. You are ringing the 3rd and you run in at two successive bobs (ringing six bells).
And finally, some miscellaneous questions:-
19. The coursing order (ringing minor) is 5324. The 6th is dodging 5-6 down. What is the 5th doing?
        5-6 up
20. The coursing order (ringing minor) is 5324. The 6th is dodging 3-4 down. What is the 5th doing?
        5-6 down
21. During a plain course of Plain Bob Minor, the 6th is dodging 5-6 up. What is the 5th doing?
        3-4 up
22. During a plain course of Cambridge Surprise Minor, the 6th is making seconds. What is the 5th doing?
        3-4 down
23. You are ringing Plain Bob Major and the coursing order is 64325. You are ringing the 4th and nobody arrives to turn you from the lead. What should you say?
        When you have a moment, would the ringer of the 3rd kindly lead? (or something similar)
24. You are ringing Cambridge Surprise Major and the coursing order is 32564. You are ringing the 5th and are dodging 3-4 down at the lead end. Who is dodging with you?
25. The coursing order (ringing minor) is 4532. A Wrong is called. Who makes the bob?
26. The coursing order (ringing minor) is 2453. The 6th makes a bob. Who runs out?
27. The coursing order (ringing minor) is 3542. The 4th runs in at a bob. What is the calling position of this bob?
28. You are calling minor from the 4th. The coursing order is 3254. What dodge do you do at a Wrong?
        5-6 down
29. The coursing order (ringing major) is 23456. What is the calling position of a bob when the 6th dodges 5-6 down?
30. The coursing order (ringing major) is 56423. The 6th is making a bob. What is the 7th doing?

     7-8 up