The Bath and Wells Young Ringer’s Awards and Competition
Young Ringer Award
This is for all those young ringers who are learning to ring and have not yet learnt to plain hunt. It is a new award, and is designed to encourage young people through their first years as a ringer, and also to motivate them to begin ringing in other towers and at branch events. A series of thirty-six tasks takes them from their first steps in ringing to being able to plain hunt. The tasks can be started at any time and from whatever stage the young ringer has reached. For the completion of each task they will be awarded £5 by the Association.
Young Ringer of the Year Competition
This is for the keen young ringers who are able to plain hunt and who are moving on to method ringing. It provides a stimulus for them to progress, not only in the methods that they can ring, but in calling touches, ringing quarter peals, ringing at new towers and branch events, etc. They will have the opportunity to compete for the George Wareham Trophy and prizes of £150, £75 and £40 awarded by the Association. The starting date each year is 1st March and the closing date the following year is 28th/29th February.
Both the Young Ringer Award and the Young Ringer of the Year Competition reward commitment and regular attendance at Sunday service and practice night ringing.
Details of the Award and Competition
All instructions, task sheets, entry forms, etc, for the Young Ringer Award and the Young Ringer of the Year Competition can be printed and downloaded from the Bath and Wells web-site or obtained from the Association Education Officer, Jill Hansford.
- Notes on Young Ringers Award
- Module one
- Module two
- Module three
- Young Ringer of the year Competition